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Conan the Barbarian Comics logo. White text with a sword underneath, with a soft red outline.
Conan and Belit fight pirates on a ship, both of them with bloodied blades lifted above their heads. They are surrounded by pirates, with a sail above them, and fire in the distance behind them. Both of them appear angry and determined. Belit holds a curved blade above her head with two hands, and wears golden jewelry and armbands. At her hip are two other blades. Conan wears an open vest and simple pants, and holds a large sword in one hand, and a dagger in the other. He has a third small blade attached to his belt.

Conan the Barbarian #7
Cover A
Conan & Belit

Conan is pictured wielding a bloody sword and axe, with the axe raised over his head. He is in the midset of a crowd of well-armed soldiers assaulting him, and he appears to be rising above the crowd in fierce battle. Next to him is a beautiful woman wearing scant scale clothing and gripping Conan's arm. The soldiers have skulls on their shields, and the group appears to be in a dungeon made of large stone bricks. Fire appears to rise in an arch in the background. Conan seems to be roaring a battle cry, and wears an ornamented crown and waistcloth.

Conan the Barbarian #11
Variant Cover A
Conan battles a werewolf in the snow. He is about half the height of the werewolf, and holds a double sided axe in both hands, readying for a brutal upwards swing in a half-crouch. The werewolf has patchy fur and veiny musculature, with piercing eyes and their mouth open. Their arms are slightly spread, framing conan, and have sinister claws. Conan wears a loincloth, warm boots, and a fur cloak secured by a chain. He also wears a sword on his hip.

Savage Sword of Conan #3